“Project Udbhav” is an initiative launched by the Indian Army to explore the rich heritage of Indian statecraft and strategic concepts embedded in ancient texts relating to warfare, diplomacy and grand strategy.
This comprehensive project will include indigenous military systems, historical and regional Involves content, thematic study and in-depth analysis of Kautilya’s works.
The main goal of Project Udbhav is to go beyond mere re-discovery of historical narratives, connecting historical insights with modern perspectives. The overall goal is to develop an indigenous strategic vocabulary that strongly Be based on the diverse philosophical and cultural background of India.
The concept aims to incorporate ancient wisdom into current military education, allowing the Indian Army to draw important lessons from time-honored principles while dealing with today’s complex strategic situation.
the United Services Institution of India (USI)
“Project Udbhav” is a New Delhi-based effort led by the United Services Institution of India (USI), a leading national security and defense think tank. USI, founded in 1870 by the great military scholar Colonel (later Major General) Sir Charles MacGregor, plays a vital role in encouraging interest and expertise in the arts, sciences and literature of the defense services.
With the aim of enhancing defense related expertise, USI plays a key role in shaping the discussion and insights within India’s national security and defense communities.

About the Author
Ankita is a German scholar, Civil Services aspirant and loves to write. Users can follow Ankita on Instagram