Chinese Scientists Develop New Polyethylene Recycling Method: Hydrogen Breathing

Chinese scientists develop new polyethylene recycling method

According to a report published by Xinhua on July 3, a team of Chinese researchers has created an entirely new technology for recycling polyethylene waste that could reduce costs while producing a variety of useful materials.

new polyethylene recycling method

Plastic made from polyethylene is remarkably flexible and hardly biodegradable. The University of Science and Technology of China has developed an innovative recycling method that makes use of pre-existing technologies. This gives beneficial byproducts.

The researchers harnessed the expertise of the petroleum industry to create an innovative recycling technique because polyethylene and petroleum have comparable chemical compositions and structures.

hydrogen breathing

The researchers came up with a “hydrogen breathing” method, which involved employing a catalyst to reconstitute waste plastic into valuable ring-shaped hydrocarbons by dissolving its chemical structure.

Pharmaceuticals, dyes, resins and fibers can then be manufactured using them as raw materials.

manish janardhan iit mbm

About the Author

Manish love to write and he is a Civil Servant. Users can follow Manish on Instagram ankita mehra instagram

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