
Indian freedom movements in chronological order

Indian National Movement – Main Chronological Events

The complex and diverse fight for independence from British colonial control is known as the Indian independence movement. It involved many leaders, groups and occasions over the course of several decades. Here is a timeline of some important moments of the Indian independence movement: Powered by TOPICFLIX About the Author Manish love to write and

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राजस्थान का एकीकरण (Unification of Rajasthan)

राजस्थान के इतिहास के सबसे महत्वपूर्ण अध्यायों में से एक विभिन्न रियासतों का एकीकरण है जो आधुनिक राजस्थान का निर्माण करते हैं। एकीकरण की दिशा में यह उल्लेखनीय यात्रा कई चरणों में हुई। Powered by TOPICFLIX चरण एक: मत्स्य संघ राजस्थान के एकीकरण का पहला चरण 18 मार्च, 1948 को मत्स्य संघ के गठन के

राजस्थान का एकीकरण (Unification of Rajasthan) Read More »

isotope of Hydrogen

Isotopes of Hydrogen and its uses

Hydrogen has three isotopes: protium (1H), deuterium (2H), and tritium (3H). Protium is the most common isotope and has no neutrons, deuterium has one neutron, and tritium has two neutrons. इस टॉपिक से संबंधित टेस्ट Details about the isotopes of hydrogen : These isotopes of hydrogen play an important role in various scientific and industrial

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test series rajasthan

राजस्थान की कला और संस्कृति : संक्षेप में

राजस्थान, उत्तर-पश्चिमी भारत का एक राज्य, अपनी समृद्ध और जीवंत कला और संस्कृति के लिए जाना जाता है। इसकी एक विविध विरासत है जो क्षेत्र के इतिहास और परंपराओं को दर्शाती है। राजस्थान की कला और संस्कृति के विषय पर टेस्ट सीरीज यहां राजस्थानी कला और संस्कृति के कुछ प्रमुख पहलू हैं: ये कुछ ऐसे

राजस्थान की कला और संस्कृति : संक्षेप में Read More »


Why is Saturn’s status as a giant planet in question ?

Saturn is a large planet with a mass of about 100 times that of Earth. Despite this, Saturn is still about three times smaller than Jupiter. Some astronomers have begun to question how Saturn really fits into being classified as a large planet in light of this and more recent discoveries. Saturn and Jupiter are

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transverse waves

Transverse Waves and its Examples

If the particles oscillate perpendicular to the direction of wave propagation, then it is a transverse wave. In plain words, the motion of the constituent particles of the medium or wave is perpendicular to the path of propagation of the wave. Transverse waves include the following examples: About the Author Manish love to write and

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Chinese scientists develop new polyethylene recycling method

Chinese Scientists Develop New Polyethylene Recycling Method: Hydrogen Breathing

According to a report published by Xinhua on July 3, a team of Chinese researchers has created an entirely new technology for recycling polyethylene waste that could reduce costs while producing a variety of useful materials. new polyethylene recycling method Plastic made from polyethylene is remarkably flexible and hardly biodegradable. The University of Science and

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तिनकठिया प्रणाली

Tinkathiya System – तिनकठिया प्रणाली

The Tinkathia system, often called the “tinkathia contract” or the “indenture system,” was an unfair method that was widely used in the indigo industry in India during the colonial era. In order to protect the production of indigo crops, it was largely utilised by European indigo farmers. About the Author Manish love to write and

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